Why Test?

Do you need to meth test your property?

meth testing perth

Home Buyers

What are you really buying? Protect your investment & family’s health

meth testing perth

Home Tenants

Is your family safe in your rental property? Protect your family’s health

meth testing perth


Avoid legal action from tenants & Increase rental profits by providing prospective tenants with a clear meth inspection report

meth testing perth

Property Managers

Meet your legal obligations & increase your clients rental profits

Protecting your Family and Investment

Why do you need a meth inspection?

Chemical contamination, including drug residues such as methamphetamine, have been identified in properties used for the manufacture and smoking of methamphetamine. More specifically methamphetamine residues have been found to persist on various surfaces inside properties, and exposure to these residues has been associated with adverse health effects, particularly for young children (enHealth 2017).

The residual contaminants which arise from a drug manufacture or prolonged use can be in the form of solids, liquids or vapours and be absorbed by floorings, walls, drains, ducting and any furnishings or fixtures in the property. These contaminants can in many instances persist within structures, furnishing and the environment and pose a risk to persons occupying the premises, potentially for many years into the future. There is clear evidence showing that many of the residual chemical contaminants produced during the drug manufacture process are of a hazardous nature and include heavy metals, carcinogens and phytotoxic substances.

Are you moving into a new house?

Whether you’re planning on buying or renting, you need to be aware of any potential risks to your family and especially children. Unfortunately, it is all too common for us to get called out to perform a meth inspection after a child has already had unknown causes of illness for a prelonged time. With 1 in 3 Perth properties testing positive for meth contamination, getting a meth inspection before moving in is the cheapest health insurance you can buy for your family.

Are you a landlord or property manager?

Advertising that your property is free of meth conamination is a huge advantage. With more and more buyers, tenants and investors becoming aware of buying ‘lemon’ properties due to the ever increasing surge of meth use, manufacturing and house meth contamination in Perth, a meth inspection and clear report instantly increases your sale and rental profits.

You also need to consider your legal risks of leasing a meth contaminated property. Cases in Perth where tenants have sued landlords are increasing. This occurs when health problems lead to the discovery of meth residue in the property they were leasing. Performing an inexpensive house meth inspection Perth between tenancies ensures a home is fit for living purpose and negates any legal risk for you as a landlord.

compliant meth testing

Compliant Testing

certified meth testing

Certified Inspectors

Our meth inspectors are certified by MTK Group which is Australia’s most comprehensive meth inspection certification available.

nata approved meth testing

NATA Approved Labs

All NIOSH 9111 tests are performed under strict guidelines at our NATA approved labs

unbiased meth inspection report

Unbiased Report & Advice

We do not provide remediation services, so you can trust that our forensic photo report is completely unbiased and according to our code of conduct.


Frequently Asked

I'm a home buyer. Why should I get a meth inspection?

Methamphetamine use (manufacturing or prolonged smoking of the drug ‘ice’) inside buildings lead to contamination of all surfaces. Exposure to this meth contamination can lead to many health risks, such as respiratory problems, headaches, nausea & even behavioural changes in small children. Long term exposure has been shown to lead to miscarriage, birth defects and even cancer. 

WA has the highest meth use of all states in Australia.  This jaw dropping fact revealed by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Illicit Drug Data Report in 2016-17. The most common residue is from smoking methylamphetamine also known as ice, meth or crystal meth. 

Residues build up on surfaces in the house and are not visible. This residue also has no no chemical odour or smell. In other words, meth contamination is a silent and invisible risk.

It is important to be proactive about ensuring the safety of your family when buying a house. It is also important to make sure the investment you are about to make is wise and you are not in fact buying a meth lab.

I'm a renter. Why should I get a meth inspection?

Methamphetamine use (manufacturing or prolonged smoking of the drug ‘ice’) inside buildings lead to contamination of all surfaces. Exposure to this meth contamination can lead to many health risks, such as respiratory problems, headaches, nausea & even behavioural changes in small children. Long term exposure has been shown to lead to miscarriage, birth defects and even cancer. 

WA has the highest meth use of all states in Australia.  This jaw dropping fact revealed by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Illicit Drug Data Report in 2016-17. The most common residue is from smoking methylamphetamine also known as ice, meth or crystal meth. 

Residues build up on surfaces in the house and are not visible. This residue also has no no chemical odour or smell. In other words, meth contamination is a silent and invisible risk.

It is important to be proactive about ensuring the safety of your family when leasing a house.

It is also important to make sure you are legally covered if your landlord or property manager subsequently performs a meth inspection (after you move out) where meth is detected. The truth is, meth use and manufacturing is common in Perth, so anyone leasing the house after you could be the culprit. Inexpensive meth testing Perth simply removes any legal liability from your family which also ensures your bond is returned.

I'm a landlord/property manager. Why should I get a meth inspection?

There are two main reasons why landlords and property managers need meth testing Perth:

1) With meth use and manufacturing on the rise across Australia, but particularly in Perth, buyers, tenants and investors are asking for clear meth inspections before buying or renting.

Where does that leave your property if you have not provided a clear meth inspection report to your prospective buyers/tenants?

Simply put, a meth inspection is the cheapest way to increase your property value.

2) Did you know that if you sell or rent out your property, as a landlord or property manager, you are responsible for ensuring it is safe to live in. Unacceptable levels of methamphetamine residue meansyou could face legal action from tenants, new owners and even neighbours.

Allowing a contaminated home to be occupied, whether you aware of the contamination or not, breaches the Residential Tenancies Act (duty of care) legislation in each state or even contravene building and health legislation, leaving the landlord exposed to legal action and claims for compensation.

Additionally, and importantly, landlord insurance simply does not cover remediation of drug contamination (criminal activities), which means you as the landlord need to pay out of your own pocket to remediate the contamination which usually ranges anywhere from $4000 – $50,000.

What is methamphetamine?

Methamphetamine (meth) is an addictive stimulant drug that is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs in Australia and abroad. Stimulants speed up the messages travelling between the body and the brain, giving a person common effects such as confidence, energy, reduced appetite and increased heart rate.

Illegally produced methamphetamines have street names such as ‘speed’ and ‘ice’. The key difference between speed and ice is the purity: ice is generally in the form of crystals and has a higher purity than speed, meaning the effects of ice are much stronger.

The form of methamphetamine that is most commonly used in Australia is crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’).

What are the health risks of meth contamination?

The health risks associated with methamphetamine contamination are highest for children who live in these environments, when compared to adults. Children’s metabolic processes are more susceptible to the effects of chemicals/ drugs than adults. The most common symptoms to meth exposure include headache, nausea, vomiting, respiratory difficulty and eye irritation.

What are the health symptoms when a property is contaminated with meth?

The most common symptoms to meth exposure include headache, nausea, vomiting, respiratory difficulty and eye irritation.

Do meth use and meth manufacturing both contaminate a property?

Remediation of properties where methamphetamine has only been used recreationally is generally not required, as the research does not demonstrate a health risk. Properties where meth has been manufactured pose a health risk to people living in those properties, with the highest health risk amongst children.

The only way to understand the risk is to perform a meth inspection.

What is the likelihood my property is contaminated with meth?

For the first time since 2017, meth’s popularity in capital cities across Australia has outpaced its use in regional centres around the country. In Perth, it’s rampant. In a recent ABC news report on meth use in Perth, an investigation uncovered that “Perth is the new meth capital of Australia”.

Additionally, Australia has topped the list of methylamphetamine use among more than 20 countries. The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission’s latest report found that in December 2021, methylamphetamine consumption in Australia was the highest per capita when compared with nations in Europe, Asia and Oceania.

Does Meth contamination affect pregnant mothers also?


A recent study into the impact of meth on pregnancy outomes uncovered methylamphetamine crosses the placental barrier and adversely impacts the developing foetus.

Further, this study concluded that Meth exposure during pregnancy is associated with shorter gestational ages and lower birth weight, especially if exposed continuously during pregnancy.

Meth Inspect - meth inspection

Meth Inspect

Meth Testing, Inspections, Kits

Inspection Hours

Monday–Sunday: 6am - 9pm


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Code of Conduct

Meth Inspect is a MGK certified drug inspection company.

We do not offer decontamination or remediation services to ensure 100% unbiased reports.